Is there a way to truly create a win-win in the world of fighting climate change?
For a company or individual to advance their own financial wealth while at the same time reducing and eliminating carbon and expediting environmental projects? To find a way to encourage really large companies to fund conservation and environmental enhancement projects, which tend to be starved for capital, in a significant way and also improve their own carbon footprint? Justin Cochrane is leading Carbon Streaming Corporation to achieve exactly that.
Justin Cochrane applied his knowledge and experience from the investment banking world, specifically in royalties and streaming, to create a vehicle for investors to target focus to creating a net-zero carbon future. The appetite of investors is large and in two years Carbon Streaming Corp has grown from around two-hundred thousand dollars to one-hundred-thirty million in next assets, and more.
Investors are enthusiastic to advance and accelerate carbon-reduction and climate-advancement projects around the world. Justin’s team creates a cycle of benefit – invests capital in the projects, markets the greenhouse gas (GHG) credits and return the proceeds of the credits to further grow the project investments. Achieving climate abatement in the world will take decades but the GHG credits achieve a middle ground on that road.
With a goal to become the largest player in the voluntary carbon market, Carbon Streaming also has strict criteria to be met for investments to qualify for funding and assistance. The projects under consideration are numerous but already Carbon Streaming’s investments are fascinating:
- Protecting 6,500 hectares of Indonesian peat swamp from being converted to palm oil, creating a sanctuary for orangutans, providing community assistance, advancing women’s business, and making available clean power and water.
- A blue carbon credit project: protecting 22,000 hectares of Mexican mangroves (which absorb up to 10 times the carbon of a terrestrial forest, and hold 75% of that carbon under water) , surrounded by 137,000 hectares of marine ecosystem from shrimp farming and aqua culture.
Tune in to hear about
- The Carbon Streaming investments are REDD certified – what is REDD?
- Two kinds of projects can be funded with the streaming and royalties model, what are they?
- How many metric tons of carbon equate to 1 carbon credit? How many tons are the projects removing?
- Which is the only project in the world verified to achieve all 17 United Nations sustainable development goals?
- How does volatility in the investment market change corporate investor relations?
- And more.
Mentioned in this episode
Carbon Streaming Corporation website