Kent Burkholder| Guiding Clients to Effectively Avoid Human Bias and Make Quality Strategic and Project Decisions, at Decision Frameworks

Kent Burkholder has witnessed business decisions made very well and very badly; he also has seen teams that fail to make decisions as they trip and spiral ineffectively through the process.

People do not naturally make quality decisions without concerted effort.  The human brain is wired to make fast decisions, and systemic bias is usually observed when decisions are made under conditions of uncertainty.  Enter Decision Frameworks training, consulting and software that efficiently guides decision quality in their client organizations, without that aforementioned effort, and allows the quality to stick.


Kent Burkholder uses a practical team-based approach combined with proprietary decision support software to guide, and teach, clients to enhance their risk analysis and decision processes.  As a done-with-you or done-for-you project Decision Frameworks significantly elevates the quality of the corporate strategy and asset decisions clients make, while decreasing the time required because of the discipline inherent in the process.

Clients learn to practice quality decision-making as an ongoing habit.  They learn to consider as wide a group of alternatives as possible, encourage diverse thought and questioning to attain common ground, avoid group think and confirmation bias, build more flexible strategy, and make disciplined planning part of their business advantage.

Kent’s substantial experience has allowed him to see the value in effective change management.  A combination of true top down support and bottom up drive reliably deliver exceptional performance in teams.  Even major global challenges and societal issues, he suggests, may effectively be addressed by each individual taking responsibility to do their own part to consume or pollute less, contribute to changed behaviours, etc.  The call for “big bang” instant solutions comes from a biased approach and bias can doom all decisions.

Tune in to hear about

  • Three simple, but perhaps not easy, steps to make a quality decision.
  • Why the human brain is wired to make decisions fast.
  • Six elements inherent in effective, quality evaluations and flexible strategic decisions.
  • What could a decision about a pump and an elevator possibly have in common.
  • And more.

Mentioned in this episode

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